
Thursday, 6 June 2013

Thursdaily Update

Not a fan of the small legs with the big feet
This week saw the end of my XBLA tear, after wrapping up Doritos Crash Course 2 on Monday I decided that it's time to move back to some retail titles. I've spent over three months pretty much purely working through my XBLA games backlog and I managed to complete a whole heap of titles, some I thought I would never complete. The huge XBLA titles list I had to scroll through to find a game on my Xbox 360 Harddrive has shrunk to a fairly manageable level and while I still have a decent amount of XBLA titles to play through I've also got a big amount of discs stacked up waiting to be played. Titles that I'm actually very excited to get to, the rest of the Assassin's Creed series and LA Noire to name a few.

However the last quarter of a year slaving away on XBLA titles and the almost a month that was dedicated to Bionic Commando: Rearmed has me thinking that I'll start this journey by going through and beating a couple of what looks to be the easiest and quickest retail games I own. I'm not a big Gamerscore guy, but my Gamerscore growth has really slowed down with these XBLA titles so let's see if I can't boost it a bit quickly before getting stuck into some more lengthy grinds. This started with a recent acquisition of mine; TMNT.

I had all these and more. I think I was probably close to
owning them all. Even as a child I was into completing/collecting
everything in a set.
I saw TMNT for sale for $7 in the store last Monday and I could feel the TMNT fan in me from years back wanting to check it out. Then I felt the Gamerscore whore in me shout out for what I knew to be easy points and it was too much to resist. As I mentioned above I'm not much of a Gamerscore guy, my point total comes from playing the games I really want to play and trying to complete them, not grinding through games I don't have a legitimate interest in just for the points. This was the case with TMNT, and I enjoyed spending yesterday bulldozing my way through the game. It's nothing new or fancy, just a plain brawler that has the TMNT trappings, but that was good enough for me. I Still remember being 7 and playing with a vast TMNT collection of toys I had amassed, good times.

After wrapping up the last couple of achievements in TMNT earlier today I decided to turn to another game, this one had been in my collection for a while now, years maybe. Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust hasn't made a great impression so far, it's super plain and the objectives so far have been enough to nearly put me to sleep. Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust is another game I picked up really cheap for the sole reason of me being fascinated with the Exploitation genre. I find great amusement in this genre, with it's camp and supposed titillation. I doubt even 12 year old boys wouldn't find this stuff enticing, but yet it still gets made and it still sells well enough to warrant more. I decided a while ago that I would try to play any and all games I feel fall in this genre. Leisure Suit Larry is the next step of this undertaking.

So far it's been a bit of a bore, with bad jokes and bad missions involving nothing except moving to the next marker on your mini-map. I've probably played less than an hour total but hope to put some time in over the next few days and wrap it up quickly. That about wraps up everything that's been happening on my side of the Xbox but let's talk quickly about the major gaming event that's about to kick off.

I know it wasn't the most popular game, but I could go for
another Brutal Legend and I'm not even a rock guy
E3 is starting real soon, tonight if you count Konami's press conference, and I'll be watching and soaking as much of it in as I possibly can. I plan to watch most, if not all, press conferences live and a lot of next weeks blogs will be filled with any thoughts that pop up in relation to that. There will still be the game talk but to be honest I'm not sure how much time will be used where. I'm really excited to see Microsoft's conference to see if they can make good on their promises to wow the gamers back into their favor. If some of the games that have been leaked are there it could be amazing. Tomorrow I think I'll post one more Xbox One centered post with predictions and my views on how things will actually work as opposed to the internet currently thinks they do and then come conference time it will be fun to see if I'm right or wrong. That's all for now, next update will be an E3 one! See you then.

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