
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Wednesdaily Update

My face probably looked something like
the crazy face in the top left as I lost all self
control and start yelling like a two year old
because this game is damn hard!
Welcome back to another Wednesday. This week hasn't been very productive on pretty much every front I've got going right now but it's not for lack of trying! We'll start with Bionic Commando: Rearmed, which I'm starting to believe will become a mainstay of this blog for a long, long time. I made some progress Monday night in the challenge rooms, collecting a couple more completions and now I'm left with a handful that I just can not finish. I've spent hours trying different rooms and frustration was starting to reach boiling point. I decided to take a break from that to return to my Super Hard campaign run through.

After bashing my head against Super Hard for a day I finally managed to beat one level... one! Slow progress is still progress and I'm still determined to complete this run through as I know if I just beat a few more levels the extra items will start making life easier. I'm hoping the experience will be somewhat like my hard difficulty run through with the first 3 or 4 levels being hard as nails, like struggling to reach the top of a hill, but then the last two thirds of the game ended up being all downhill.

Apart from Bionic Commando: Rearmed, there hasn't been much else happening. I ended up contacting Microsoft Support about the Serious Sam: TSE issue I have been having. After some internet sleuthing I actually found out that it wasn't just me and the issue is Australia wide. There has been some apparent movement on this issue and I think one of two things will happen;

  1. We finally get access to Serious Sam: TSE here in Australia or, 
  2. The completely removal of all mention of Serious Sam: TSE from the marketplace in Australia.

Serious Sam Double D XXL is different
in that it is a 2D Side-Scrolling Shooter.
To be honest I'm expecting the second outcome, but fingers crossed for the first. I mentioned before that I may post the chat log and I remembered to save it for you guys so I will be posting that later today if you guys want to read through the over 2 hours I had to spend chatting politely to the support crew. I really do think they try their best, but sometimes they don't seem all that knowledgeable. In the end I'm happy with the time spent and my experience because, if nothing else, I'll hopefully get some amount of closure on this Serious Sam problem. Oh I also ended up buying Serious Sam Double D XXL, which was part of the Serious Sam themed Deal of the Week last week. This now leaves Serious Sam: TSE as the only Serious Sam available on the Xbox that I don't own.

Apart from that the only other little bits of news come from the Windows Phone. Monster Burner, a game I only mentioned in passing in a previous Update, has now been repriced from free to being a dollar to download. If you missed out then I'm sorry, but you'll now have to pay money to experience Monster Burner. I haven't played it yet so I can't say if it's a big loss. The other Windows Phone news is that during my escapades with Xbox Support they wanted me to take some pictures of the dashboard, which I did with my phone and this required me to connect it to my PC to copy the pictures and upload them.

Upon connecting my phone I discovered there was an update for it, which I promptly denied as I'm not taking any chances with Angry Birds messing up. Especially now I've spent a bit of time trying to complete it. This means I'm going to have to start work on Angry Birds again to complete it before I'm able to download this update. I've mentioned before that Angry Birds has been removed from the marketplace and replaced with a version that no longer supports achievements, it's because of this that I'm not risking the update as it could put an end to the ability for me to complete the game.

In site news I've added a navigation bar at the top which lets you sort the blog roll from everything to just reviews. If there are any other separations you would like easy access too just say so in the comments! That's everything so far this week, leave a comment about whatever and I'll be back Friday to ramble on some more.

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